Nigerian Government Sues Meta For Unsanctioned Advertising

By Ebelechukwu Egbuna 2 Min Read

The Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON), Nigeria’s body in charge of the regulation of advertisements, on Tuesday 4th October, filed a court case against Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta for continually promoting adverts in the Nigerian market without vetting them through the country’s advertising laws and government.

ARCON insists that these adverts have led to a loss of revenue for the country’s government and are seeking the sum of 30 Billion Naira (~$69 Million) for damages.

In a statement as seen on Vanguard, the body stated “ARCON reiterates that it would not permit unethical and irresponsible advertising on Nigeria’s advertising space.”

In August, the body placed a ban on the use of foreign models and voiceover artists in advertisements. This ban was put in place with the end goal of promoting Nigerian talents in the country’s advertisement space.

In a statement made by the body’s director general, he said:

In line with the Federal Government’s policy of developing local talent, inclusive economic growth, and the need to take necessary steps and actions aimed at growing the Nigerian advertising industry, the Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria bans the use of foreign models and voice-over artists on any advertisement targeted or exposed on the Nigeria advertising space with effect from 1st October 2022.

All advertisements, advertising, and marketing communications materials are to make use of only Nigerian models and voice-over artists,”.

Ebelechukwu Egbuna is a marketing and Content writing intern here, at Tech Nova.
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