5 Alternatives To Zoom For Online Video And Audio Conferences

2 Min Read

Zoom, a video conference platform, has risen to unseen popularity with the coronavirus pandemic. More people are using video and audio conferencing software for online webinars, teaching, and other online events.

But the software has had issues including unwanted interference known as “zoom-bombing” where people hijack sessions and post unwanted pictures and video. The app has also been known to have security issues as well as not having true end-to-end encryption.

If you’re interested in video and audio conferencing but are hesitant to use Zoom, there are other alternatives you can try.

Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is probably an old favorite for many people familiar with Google services. With Hangouts, you can have an audio conference for up to 10 participants and have video conversations with 150 participants.


Although it may seem like Microsoft dropped the ball when it comes to video conference, Skype is still an old reliable software for video conference.

Microsoft recently made an update where you can now set up a video conference without needing to have an account


RemoteHQ is currently offering its product for free due to the COVID19 pandemic. It works in the browser and allows up to It offers file sharing, audio recording, and notetaking.

Free access for RemoteHQ ends on June 1st, 2020.


Jitsi is an open-source platform video conferencing platform that is also available as a mobile app on Android and iOS.

You can have up to 75 participants in a session as well as make your sessions public or private.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an alternative to Slack but Microsoft has an advantage to Slack when it comes to video conference. While Slack only offers one to one video conferences, Microsoft Teams offer multiple participants.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: joseph@techlabari.com Twitter: @jakuuire
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