Appruve Releases Mobile SDK For Android and React Native

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 2 Min Read

Appruve, the Ghanaian verification startup has released for SDK for Android and React Native.

The Appruve Mobile SDK is designed to allow developers to easily integrate Appruve’s ID Document Verification and Facial Matching APIs.

This works for identity documents across Ghana Nigeria and Kenya, with Uganda to be rolled out in April.

How The SDK Works

A user is prompted to take a photo of their ID document.

The SDK performs an OCR of the document to extract the PII (Personally identifiable information) data, including cropping the face from the document.

If the OCR extraction is successful the user is prompted to take a selfie. At this stage, the SDK performs a liveness check on the face of the user prompting the user to blink their eyes. Upon a successful blink detection, a photo of the face of the user is taken.

4. The SDK processes the data collected by matching the face on the ID document to the face on the selfie. It also makes a check against the Government Issued ID database to match the PII details extracted. At the end of this process, a Confidence Score is arrived at which is a number between 0 and 100. The Confidence Score will determine if the user’s identity is verified or not.

Getting Started

Interested users can get an API Token by signing up on Appruve.

Working with Appruve’s Native Android Mobile SDK

Check out the sample project repository and follow the README instructions to get started quickly.

Working with Appruve’s React Native (Android) SDK

The react native repository can be found . Follow the README instructions to get started quickly and checkout the “examples/sample-app” folder for an example implementation.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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