Design Thinking Event: Applying Design Thinking To Ghana Football

2 Min Read

Global football brands such as the English Premier League are followed by more than a billion people around the world and over 260 million of these are in Africa. The connection between these fans and the clubs are beyond what an umbilical chord serves between a mother and baby. What accounts for this passion? Why do people love clubs passionately? Why will people take the Barcelona vs Chelsea (Champions League) return clash so personally? How can local clubs learn from some of these outside clubs?

What if you could understand your fans so deeply that you provide value beyond their dreams and in return, they stay with you through thick and thin?

Date, Time And Event

Date: Thursday 15th March 2018
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: China Europe Business School (CEIBS), East Legon. Behind the Diagnostic Center

Event Details

First Segment: Case Study Presentation 

Applying Design Thinking to Ghana Football: A Case Study of Building Local Fan Base Support. Presentation by Cherubim Mawuli Amenyedor, StarTimes, HoNode, DTGH Facilitator in Training.

Second Segment: Facilitated Discussion

Designing A Club Strategy – How Can Local Ghanaian Clubs Engage Fans Effectively?

The Why & Hows of Fan Loyalty and Support in Football.

(Starting at 7:15pm) Facilitated session led by:

  • Dr. Gordon Adomdza – Ashesi D:Lab, DTGHub
  • Eli Kondoh – PR, StarTimes Ghana
  • Abdul Rashid Zakari – Head of Projects & Partnerships, Mayniak Sportswear
  • Kurt Okraku – CEO, Dreams FC
Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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