Do We Need Another Ride-Sharing Service? Dropyn Seems To Think So

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 2 Min Read

Yet another ride-hailing service has joined the market and this time it’s a local player.

Dropyn is the new ride-hailing service from a wholly-owned Ghanaian team which is jumping into competition with the likes of Uber, Bolt, and Yango to name a few.

On Monday 12th August, 2019, Dropyn officially launched to commence operations in Accra with about 50 saloon cars in the system.

Drivers on the Dropyn platform would be placed on work-n-pay, which means drivers would get to own the Dropyn cars after 2-years of full payment.

Speaking at the launch, the Operations Manager, Mr. Evans Omane-Boateng stated that Dropyn has a rewarding scheme for drivers and riders. The company would also be employing a loyalty point reward scheme in which drivers and riders would build loyalty points and receive cash after referring other drivers and riders to come onboard Dropyn and register.

At the moment, Dropyn offers the following services:

– Private Ride-hailing services
– Ridesharing services allows riders to save money by sharing ride with other riders on the same route.

Future Services

In addition to private ride hailing and ride sharing, Dropyn would in the future add the following services:

Move: A service where customers can request for a truck or mini truck to move logistics, home appliances, etc. from one location to the other.

Delivery: A service where customers can get restaurants, shops and grocery stores delivered to their homes. It would give customers access to hundreds of menus with quick delivery at all times, track orders and make payments on the App.

App Screenshots

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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