A couple of months ago, we wrote a story asking if the use of body cameras for the Ghana Police would help in the fight against police corruption.
Well, it looks like that idea might be getting tested soon.
The Deputy Minister of Communications, George Andah recently stated that the current government was committed in its fight against corruption and one of the measures they are putting in place is to equip the Ghana Police service with body cameras to reduce the rate at which they take bribes from citizens.

These body cameras would record Police activities and the videos would be transmitted to the head office for monitoring.
Ghanaian citizens have complained in the past about police offers taking roadside bribes and abusing their power. This had led to public distrust for the Ghana Police service.
There’s no word on when this exercise of equipping the police service with body cameras will take place but a guess is that it could take place next year (2018).
But will equipping police with body cameras be feasible in Ghana? And will it help in reducing police corruption in Ghana?