Ghana Tech Lab Holds Accra West Startup Summit

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Ghana Tech Lab, an open collaborative tech space has crowned its free six web development training program with the Accra West Startup Summit. The purpose of the event was to give the trainees a platform to bring the knowledge they acquired during the training program into use and pitch their innovative ideas. 

Speaking at the event, the Managing Associate of Ghana Tech Lab, Edward Akani who was also the keynote speaker congratulated the trainees on how far they had come and advised them to utilize their newly acquired skills in web development.

A total number of twenty-two (22) youth obtained training in web development and acquired knowledge to a great extent. The training program was partitioned into two (2) parts; where the trainees were taken through a 4-week intensive training program and 2 weeks of ideation. The ideas the trainees came up with are developed solutions which will address certain issues that exist in the country.

The trainees were put in teams of two (2), thus making 11 teams in total. They came up with interesting and very peculiar ideas ranging from web applications to mobile applications to solve problems. The selection process might have been quite rigorous for the judges, however, after the pitch ratings were collated, two all-female teams, XtraCash and House Hunt qualified for the national stage (NSIPS)

Team XtraCash developed an app which will aim at reducing the rate of unemployment and the daily commute to work by creating an online poll of freelance opportunities to enable Ghanaians work from the convenience of their homes.

Team House Hunt also developed an app which is meant to help tertiary students secure affordable off-campus accommodation while avoiding excess agent fees and fraudulent activities.

The qualified teams are said to go through an incubation stage which will groom them for the National Summit. The fledgling entrepreneurs will further be assisted to develop their ideas into developed solutions of value to society. All the other trainees will be assisted to secure good internship slots in respected organizations.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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