GHIPSS Will Launch Their QR Code Payment Platform On March 25

2 Min Read

Updated: The official launch date is March 25 and not March 24 as earlier written.

The Ghana Interbank Payment And Settlements (GHIPSS) will officially launch their Universal QR Payment Platform on March 25, according to some online advertisements the company has been posting.

The Universal QR Code will be called GhQR and it will enable customers to make payments to a merchant by scanning a QR Code displayed by the merchant with a mobile phone.

Here’s what we know so far about GhQR:

What We Know

Sign Up

In order to get access to GhQR, users will have to sign up through their payment service provider like the banks. Users will be able to scan to make a payment or dial a code.


GHIPSS has not stated that there are any current fees for using the GhQR.

Merchant Sign Up

Merchants and Sellers will be able to sell their products and services using the new QR code. They will need to contact their banks and start the registration process, after which they will be given a Merchant ID and GhQR sticker.

Merchants will be instantly credited to their accounts or wallets when a sale is made. No word, however, on the fees merchants will have to pay.

Tech Nova will provide more information on the new GhQR when it officially launches

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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