If you’re not as familiar with our site, we’ve put together a small guide on how to get the best out of Tech Labari

If you want to navigate around Tech Labari, our navigation section is the best way to get started. We have the following sections:
- Features: Articles that are more in-depth and researched
- News: News articles and press releases
- Media + Entertainment: Collection of articles focused on media and entertainment
- Events: List of notable events in Ghana
- Guides: Collection of guides and how-tos for tech gadgets and software
- All Podcasts: Collection of our podcast shows and episodes
- More: More items including our About Us page and more

If you want more specific articles, you can check out our “Sections” where we have Consumer Tech, Finance, Transportation, and more.
Bottom Navigation
At the bottom of our website, we have more items that cover more about Tech Labari. This section also has information on advertising, our media and our donation section.


The search feature is the most powerful feature on our platform. We’ve written over 2000+ articles covering everything from fintech, to funding to space.
To get the most out of the feature, you can search a company, a term (eg fintech), or anything you’re searching for to get results.

Results are in chronological order and you can view more results at the bottom of the results using the numbered results.
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