MTN And Women In Tech Africa Officially Launch MTN Girl Code Bootcamp

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 5 Min Read
Ethel Cofie speaking at the Girl Code launch

On Wednesday morning, July 26th, 2017, the MTN Foundation in collaboration with Women in Tech Africa officially launched the MTN Girl Code Bootcamp. During the bootcamp, applicants will get the opportunity to learn about technology, entrepreneurship and how to turn their dream into a thriving business.

MTN GirlCode Bootcamp details (Click to enlarge)

Launch Of The Bootcamp

Ethel Cofie, CEO of EDEL Consulting, started off the event with a backstory about growing up and falling in love with computers at a young age.

She stated that the Girl Code bootcamp wasn’t only about teaching programming but also teaching business principles.

Ethel Cofie speaking at the Girl Code launch

Cynthia Lomo, the director of the MTN Foundation also spoke during the event and stated how the MTN Foundation was set up to help uplift people through the power of ICT.

Farida Bedwei, CTO of Logiciel was a guest speaker at the event. Ms. Bedwei has a condition known as cerebral palsy and she spoke about how her condition or disability did not stop her from creating opportunities using programming. Farida Bedwei currently has 20 years of programming and coding experience.

MTN Girl Code Bootcamp officially launched

About The MTN Girl Code BootCamp

The MTN Girl Code Bootcamp will tour four cities including Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi and Tamale. Applicants who choose to apply for the camp must be females between the ages of 18 – 30. They should have an idea about a problem which has a technology based solution and ca generate income.

Prior experience in coding or a degree in STEM is encouraged but not required. Applications can come from an individual or a group of not more than three.

After the bootcamp, prizes will be awarded and winners will have direct access into the MTN App Challenge as well as be exposed to mobile App Development, Internet of Things and business pitching skills.

The bootcamp starts on the following dates:

  • Accra: July 31st to 4th August, 2017
  • Cape Coast: 7th August to 11th August 2017
  • Kumasi: 13th August to 17th August 2017
  • Tamale: 21st August to 25th August 2017

Applicants can apply at


The MTN Foundation is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) management structure for the MTN Group’s related initiatives across its 22 operations.

The MTN Ghana Foundation was established in 2007 as a single purpose vehicle to drive all MTN’s CSR initiatives in the country. The Foundation currently has three focus areas – Health, Education and Economic Empowerment. The Foundation is set up as a separate legal entity with its own independent Board of Directors and Patrons who oversee the operations of the Foundation. Its commitment is centered around the socio-economic development of the country through the roll out of appropriate and sustainable social interventions in communities all over the country.

The main aim of the Foundation is to have a broad community impacting and supporting national and international development priorities. It facilitates partnership and sharing of resources to achieve mutual objectives.


Supporting Women in Tech Across Africa to Positively Support their Communities.

Women in Tech Africa’s mission is 3 fold

  • Creating today’s female leaders and Role Models for tomorrow’s Women;
  • Showing the world what a strong African woman is capable of achieving;
  • Support African growth through technology.

Women in Tech Africa has membership of women in over 30 countries in Africa and has physical Chapters in Ghana, Kenya and London with launches in South Africa and Nigeria planned before the end of the year.

Women in Tech Africa is the brainchild of ICT4D GH Foundation.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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