Vice President Hints At Vodafone Ghana Soon Gaining Access To The 4G LTE spectrum

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 2 Min Read

MTN Ghana is currently the only telecom company in the country which has access to the 4G LTE spectrum which has enabled the company to deploy 4G services for its customers.

But it came at a hefty price as MTN had to pay a whopping $67 million in an auction.

Vodafone Ghana has in the past, cited the high price of the 4G spectrum as a barrier for obtaining 4G services for its customers. Despite petitioning and holding talks with the government to resolve the price issue, there doesn’t seem to have been much development.

But in his keynote address at the Ten Year Anniversary Dinner of Vodafone Ghana, the Vice President, Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia said,

“Some of the concerns expressed by Vodafone, have been around the need for government to make available reasonably priced LTE spectrum to empower the company to deliver maximum quality service to its customers. We have taken the concerns on board and we will do everything within our power to make spectrum available for the benefit of Ghanaians. For me, making spectrum available to Vodafone should be seen as ensuring that government makes returns on its 30% shareholding in the company.”

Image Credit: MyHomVoice

While this sounds like positive news for Vodafone, nothing is yet set in stone and we will have to wait for further announcement on what happens going forward.

There have been rumors that Vodafone was attempting to partner with Surfline Ghana but nothing has materialized thus far.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
  • I’m curious to learn how this goes, because I’ll be interested to see MTN walking through the door with their hands up in the air and voice screaming on top of their lungs headed straight to NCA for their money.

    They paid a fortune for the 4G license, an amount the others said won’t pay because was too high. Now if NCA reduces that amount even by 0.0001$, I’m guessing MTN will come for a refund.

    Interesting to know what happens.

  • I’m curious to learn how this goes, because I’ll be interested to see MTN walking through the door with their hands up in the air and voice screaming on top of their lungs headed straight to NCA for their money.

    They paid a fortune for the 4G license, an amount the others said won’t pay because was too high. Now if NCA reduces that amount even by 0.0001$, I’m guessing MTN will come for a refund.

    Interesting to know what happens.

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