As a lover of technology, I’m always looking for up to date news on what’s happening in the tech world with regards to energy, transportation, finance, mobile apps etc. When I got back to Ghana in 2012, I wasn’t aware of the various startups and technology apps that lots of people were pushing and building. But news about the tech world in Ghana sometimes isn’t so easy to find. Even if you do find it, it’s given a couple of paragraphs on some major news sites and the reader is left to figure out the rest. You’re never given enough information about what’s going on.
I revved up my old WordPress blog in 2013 and started writing about all the tech events I attended, all the apps I could download and review and all the technology news I could consume. Nobody paid me to do it. I just felt that most news sites weren’t going as in-depth as they should when reporting about tech. After a year of writing and getting some steady traffic, I decided that I wanted to try and do something bigger. People seemed to like the content and I felt that I could grow my small little blog into something bigger.
Tech Nova
This is Tech Nova, a technology website dedicated to covering technology in Ghana. What is the aim of this website? To bring you stories about technology from as many different angles as possible. Sometimes it’s not just about writing a post about some tech stuff but sometimes it’s also about telling a story from an average user’s perspective. This website also aims to ask questions and make you think about how technology is being applied in Ghana.
On this site, we hope to bring you different perspectives and reviews on mobile applications, online services and social experiences which involve technology.
For instance, did you know that Kwamena Hazel, the founder and CEO of Aero Shutter is trying to kickstart Drone Racing in Ghana?
Did you know that the social media team behind both the former president John Mahama and current president Nana Addo Akuffo Ado, were social media experts from Nigeria?
Have you ever thought maybe the use of body cameras on police officers in Ghana could make a different in reducing bribery and corruption? It’s just a thought.
But that’s the point. It’s to make think, ask questions and maybe even disagree. But engagement is what we’re looking for.
Just Getting Started
Right now, we’re taking baby steps. The site might not be as perfect as I want (because I’m a perfectionist and always looking to get better) but there’s always room for improvement. In the coming months, I’m hoping this website can cover as much tech news and events as we can and inform both technology enthusiasts and the general public about the wonderful things that is going on in their back yard.
For now, there’s a small team behind this website (I can count them on one hand) but we’re always looking for people to contribute and enhance the site. If you’re a fellow tech geek/nerd and you have some writing skills or a story to tell, we would love to get your contribution on the site.
We’re also hoping that you (yes, you!) the reader can also help out. If you have any comments, tips, stories or feedback, just send it our way and we’re follow up as best we can.
So that’s it. Nothing is ever easy but then that’s why makes it both challenging and fun. I’ve always believed in the power and technology and I’m always happy to be around it and around people who use it everyday.
We hope you like this site and we hope to make you a loyal reader. Thanks.
Welcome To Tech Nova
From The Editor
Joseph-Albert Kuuire
Twitter: @MrAverage_Joe
PS: You can follow Tech Nova on Twitter (@TechNovaGh) and like our Facebook Page (TechNovaGh).