A Smokescreen: What Happened To The Accra Digital Center?

3 Min Read

In November of 2016, President John Mahama inaugurated the Accra Digital Center. The center was built with the promise of generating some 10,000 jobs at full capacity for the country’s youth.

But some months have gone by and there doesn’t seem much activity from the Digital Center.

Deputy Communications Minister, Vincent Sowah Odotei has gone on record to call the Digital center a “white elephant“.

Accra Digital Center | Image Credit: Ministry of Communication

According to him, the facility was abandoned by the previous government “with absolutely nothing there.”

“The inauguration was a smokescreen. They just inaugurated the place but we are now putting measures in place to ensure its active running. There are so many things that need to be done before we make use of the facility,” he told NEAT FM’s morning host, Kwesi Aboagye.

Mr Odotei then went on to say that the facility was basically “empty and without internet connectivity.” The Deputy Minister noted that his office is now advertising the facility for companies to occupy.

“Now companies are coming onboard and the place is virtually full now for us to start work. All that the NDC showed on TV during the inauguration was fake; they rented the equipments just for the inauguration,” he said.

There’s not a lot of information about the Accra Digital Center and when it was launched, questions about how the center was going to create all jobs that were promised weren’t investigated. Whether the new government can revive and give traction to the center is something we’ll have to keep an eye on.

About The Accra Digital Center

Former President John Dramani Mahama on November 2nd inaugurated the Accra Digital Center on November 2nd, 2016.

The center was designed to include 12 large modern grade A plug and play sheds, each with the capacity to accommodate 350 workers in three shifts.

The center was funded jointly by the Ghana government, Rockefeller Foundation and the World Bank, and is now the largest digital park in West Africa.

Rockefeller Foundation and the World Bank jointly contributed US $3.8 million towards the establishment of the center.

Source: Peace FM

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: joseph@techlabari.com Twitter: @jakuuire
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