What’s In Your Bag? is a feature where Tech Nova asks the average Ghanaian what devices and gadgets they use in their daily lives.
Today, we’re debuting our “What In Your Bag” feature. It’s a feature where we ask different personalities in Ghana about the gadgets they keep with them when they’re out and about at work or at home. This idea started with TheVerge.com but we decided to steal borrow it for our website.
Today’s inaugural feature is from yours truly, Joseph-Albert Kuuire, Editor of Tech Nova. So apart from keeping this website afloat, my side job is as a UX designer at Userhub Africa, a User Experience (UX) Lab based in Accra.
As a tech enthusiast, I carry a lot of stuff with me when I’m out and about, doing design work and going to events. Here are my some of the gadgets that I keep around with me

15-inch Macbook Pro (Retina, 2013)

This is my workstation. I spend majority of my time on this computer. I do everything on this from updating my social media accounts, checking stats for the website, writing articles and working on visual designs and creating interactive prototypes.

Huawei G8
I was skeptical about Huawei phones before I was forced to buy one because of budget constraints (and, my iPhone got stolen). It’s been pretty good so far. I’ve dropped it a couple of times which has cracked the screen. But it’s still functional and works! I do normal stuff like check social media, get calendar updates and emails.
Sony Xperia Z3
This is my backup phone I keep in my bag. The screen got cracked and I replaced it but the glue that holds the screen keeps coming off so I keep it tucked away.
iPad 3
Honestly, I use this iPad for reading books on Kindle and checking social media updates. I honestly don’t use it as much. I probably need to sell this off and just get a Kindle instead of hauling this around.
1TB & 500GB Hard Drive

Always back up your stuff people! This hard drive has a majority of my stuff. It has movies, TV shows, documents and my music collection (all 66 GB of music bliss). I have Dropbox and Google Drive on my laptop for backup as well. If you think that’s overkill, I have a 500 GB hard drive at home. I backup some of the files on my 1TB hard drive to that backup hard drive.
You know. Just in case.

I keep this Acer laptop at home. I got it when my Macbook got stolen and needed a quick replacement. I don’t use it much because the hard drive is too small and is kind of slow for my liking.
Mobile Tools
The stuff below are a couple of things I use on occasions especially when I’m mobile

8GB Flash Drive
Standard flash drive. I use it for simple stuff like document transfers. Nothing much to see here.
Surfline Modem
Got this when Surfline first launched. Tried it out and it was fantastic. I still use on occasion when I’m out and need to quickly do something on the go online. (The reason the dongle looks blue is because I had a small accident with a pen spilling all over it. It still works fine)
Busy 4G MiFi
Bought this MiFi device to see what the 4G competition looks like. It has had some connection problems at home. Bad signal and everything. But Busy does have cheaper prices compared to Surfline.
Belkin Battery Pack
Bought this at an airport. It comes in handy when I’m running low on battery and I have no way of charging my phone.
So that’s my gadget stash. Thanks for reading