Episode 5: Dave Emnett, Co-Founder Of Oze

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 1 Min Read

Dave Emnett is a co-founder of Oze, a startup helping entrepreneurs and small businesses to digitally manage their finances.

But before he was working Oze with his co-founder Megan McCormick, Dave was working in the Peace Corps and was stationed in Benin helping a food processing business to get organic certification and export to the US and European markets.

Before long, he met Megan who was also working at the Peace Corps and they both saw a problem where small businesses were manually logging their finances on paper even though they had access to smartphones. They soon launched a non-profit called “Dare To Innovate” which eventually spun out to become Oze.

Listen to the latest episode of our podcast to learn more about Dave’s story and the start of Oze.

Available on Spotify, Apple, Anchor and Google

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: joseph@techlabari.com Twitter: @jakuuire
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