Ghana Received a Record Low $649.58 Million In Foreign Direct Investments In 2023

A 55% drop from the previous year

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 0 Min Read

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has put out new data for 2023 on foreign direct investments in the country.

According to the centre, Ghana received investments totaling $649.5 million in 2023. This is a 55% drop from the previous year which recorded $1.47 billion in investments.

2023 recorded the lowest foreign direct investment in the country in the last 6 years.

Countries with Highest Investments

China emerged as the country with the highest investment amount in the country with $211.89 million and contributing to 31 investment projects.

Turkey and India came in second and third with $173.27 million and $77.93 million respectively.

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Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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