Ghana Revenue Authority Launches First Phase Of E-Invoice System For Businesses

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 2 Min Read

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has launched the first phase of its E-Invoice System. The e-VAT invoicing system which launched on October 1st to make electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) the sole medium for issuing VAT invoices.

The first phase of the implementatio will cover about 600 large taxpayers, including listed companies, which account for more than 80% of domestic revenue and up to 90% of VAT collections.

The GRA epxects to cover all VAT taxpayers by 2024.

The Head of the Domestic Tax Revenue Division (DTRD) at GRA, Edward Apenteng Gyamerah, stated that the e-VAT invoicing would help the authority to monitor transactions in real-time, thereby ensuring transparency and eliminating under-invoicing, under carding and non-issuance of VAT invoices.

Phased implementation

Mr Gyamerah said the e-VAT invoicing would be implemented in phases, with the large and high-risk taxpayers being the first to be covered between October and the second quarter of next year followed by medium taxpayers by December 2023.

Through this e-invoicing and other compliance mechanisms such as the mystery purchases and inspection, we hope to move VAT contribution to tax revenues at par or above what our peers are doing.”

Implementation and Online Tax Compliant Certificate

The GRA stated that the e-VAT invoicing can be integrated into systems that some businesses currently used to print VAT invoices. The authority would provide a free e-invoicing system to businesses GRA had not authorised yet.

For businesses to get their tax-compliant certificate online, they can input their business details into an online portal and have it generated automatically.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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