Ghana Revenue Authority Will Launch Automation Of All Tax Clearing Certificates

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 1 Min Read

The Ghana Revenue Authority is planning to launch the automation of all tax clearing certificates in Ghana. The goal is to help reduce the evasion of taxes in Ghana.

According to the Commissioner-General, Reverend Dr. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah, the process will involve two paths: A USSD Code and the Ghana Card.

We have gone far in automating the tax clearance certificate. We have come to a point where you do not need to write to apply”, he pointed out at a recent conference.

It is done in two ways, you can either apply through a USSD code. You can dial *222# to know if you are compliant or not. Likewise, you can also go to our website, where you can check compliance”, he continued.

He added that those who are not tax compliance cannot renew their driver’s license or roadworthy.

A time will come that your tax compliance will be checked before renewing your driver’s License or roadworthy.” he stated.

Once we are able to fully ensure the total automation of the system, no one will compel you to file your taxes. Technology and digitisation will ensure tax compliance”, the Commissioner-General said.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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