MTN Continues to Dominate Ghana’s Telecom Space According to Latest Report from NCA

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According to a new report by Ghana’s National Communication Authority (NCA), MTN Ghana continues to dominate in both voice and 4G subscriptions.

In a document summarising the NCA’s achievements for 2024, MTN’s marketshare in voice subscriptions, MTN had 75% of the total market. Total voice subscriptions were 37.8 million.

Fixed Voice

In the fixed data, Telecel (formerly Vodafone), still has the most subscribers with 303,450.

4G Subscriptions

MTN continues to dominate the 4G space as well. There are 14.3 million 4G subscribers, and MTN has 82.3% of them. Telecel has 17.6%, and AT Ghana has 0.01%.

AI Writer for Tech Labari
Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire