Second Edition Of The Ghana Blockchain Conference Will Take Place On October 25th, 2018

By Joseph-Albert Kuuire 2 Min Read

The second edition of the Blockchain Conference is set to take place on Thursday, October 25th, 2018 at the Golden Tulip Hotel.

It will be hosted by the Blockchain Network which hosted the first edition back in 2017.

The first edition of the Blockchain conference | Image Credit: gharage

Blockchain technology is  the digital distributed ledger technology for recording ordered set of transactions securely including Bitcoin and Etherum.

Blockchain has been trending a lot this year and has generation lots of interests from Banks to governments.

“It is critical that we become well informed about this technology that is taking the world by storm; do we have the requisite policy, legal and regulatory frameworks to embrace the blockchain technologies, and most importantly how well equipped in terms of capacity are our regulatory institutions and companies of this emerging sector?” said Organizing Committee Chair of the conference.

The second edition of the event will seek answers and engage the larger Blockchain community inspired by a wide array of potential applications from Finance & Banking, Insurance, Academia, Shipping & Logistics, Medical and Documentation.

The conference will be a two-day event and will feature a Blockchain Training Workshop. It will also include: a two -day Bitcoin & Ethereum Technologies Workshop & Hackathon, training in technologies & applications, policy and regulations, and financial inclusion.

Interested? Visit the official Blockchain website for more details:

Joseph-Albert Kuuire is the creator, editor, and journalist at Tech Labari. Email: Twitter: @jakuuire
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