TPT Global Tech (TPTW) has entered into a strategic technology agreement with Skybridge West Africa (SWA) to partake in the development of 20 smart villages in Ghana, West Africa.
SWA has been offered and accepted to participate in a $5 billion community development project for their West African initiative to develop and build over 100,000 newly constructed homes utilising the latest green technology over the next five years.
The smart village infrastructure will consist of new home design and construction, new transportation capabilities, renewable energy, waste management technologies, installation of high-speed fibre-optic, 5G wireless cell towers, last-mile wireless technology, and ultra-performance cement technology. Skybridge will also develop the education system and programmes for the new smart villages in Ghana.
The company will also be providing ultra-performance concrete technology for roads, plumbing, sewer pipes, toilets, bathtubs, sinks, tiles, and decorative fixtures for the housing community and medical clinics throughout the smart village.
As part of this total $5 billion project, SWA envisions housing that not only provides homes but also communities that recognise the requirements for affordable housing.
TPT Global Tech’s Chairman & CEO, Stephen J. Thomas III, said: “We are pleased and excited to join hands with Skybridge West Africa and feel fortunate that TPT Global Tech has been selected as the lead technology partner. TPT is uniquely positioned through its various subsidiaries, technology platforms and years of experience working in Africa and emerging markets to assist Skybridge with its smart village objectives in West Africa. This planned project will help position the company for future international project consideration and continue to position the company for its goal of uplisting to a major exchange.”
Original Story: ESI Africa